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How to import Data into Table using Teradata SQL Assistant

We can use Teradata SQL Assistant to load data from file into table  in Teradata.

Install Adventure Works database from backup

The Adventure Works 2014 Data Warehouse database can be installed by restoring a database backup. 1. Download Adventure Works DW 2014 Full Database . 2. From File Download, click Save. Once it is saved, open the folder. 3. Extract the AdventureWorks2014.bak file to a location on your local server. Note: The default 64-bit path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup. Use C:\Program Files (x86)\… for 32-bit SQL Server 2014. 4. From SQL Server Management StudioRead More


How do I read/write Excel files in SAS? Reading an Excel file into SAS Suppose that you have an Excel spreadsheet called auto.xlsx. The data for this spreadsheet are shown below. MAKE                     MPG           WEIGHT          PRICE AMC                        Concord        2930               4099 AMC Pacer                17               3350               4749 AMC Spirit                 22               2640               3799 Buick Century            20               3250               4816 Buick Electra             15               4080                7827 Using the Import Wizard is an easy way to import data into SAS.  The Import Wizard can be foundRead More

PROC Export

PROC Export to Excel – Multiple tables to one xlsx file on different sheets The XLSX engine is enhanced to write multiple sheets per Microsoft Excel file in the first maintenance release of SAS 9.3. In SAS 9.3, the XLSX engine supports writing only one sheet in an Excel workbook. You can work around this by setting DBMS=EXCEL or DBMS=EXCELCS in your code. This will generate more than one sheet In the SAS 9.3 TS1M1Read More

Automatically assign libraries at startup

Library assignments can be a drag sometimes. All you want is for your libraries to be automatically assigned in your session. Can you let SAS do this? Sure, here’s how (FYI, I’m suggesting an interactive method here but if you prefer writing code, you can certainly embed multiple Libname statements in your programs to assign them at startup or even include them in your program file). Click on the New Library icon. Enter theRead More

SAS Shortcuts

Clear log, output & submit code in one keystroke Activate your function keys by typing Keys in your command window. 2. Find a function that hasn’t been programmed yet.  I’ll pick F12. 3. Type in this command: Clear Log; Clear Output; Submit;     Now run any program by hitting the F12 key or whichever key you used as your shortcut for this tip. See how it automatically clears your log, output windows and submitsRead More

SAS Add-in for Microsoft office

SAS Add-In For Microsoft Office: Creating and Managing SAS Favorites